
I struggle to remember who you are What could you want from me? Greeting me on days like these Do you belong with me? How is it that I forgot When clearly you know me too well Is there something you wish to tell? Are you in love with me? How many years have passed... Continue Reading →


An old classmate of mine I barely care about works where your sister does and I wonder if they are somehow connected by the IT gods just to mess with my mind. My Mom casually mentioned your name the other day and I pretended to be engrossed in a TV show. I have been eavesdropping... Continue Reading →

Dusty shelves – 7

On lonely days, I think of your face That wide smile fades in a while I wake up from my day dream but there you are And you stand and smile You walk up to me and we talk and laugh Smiles fixed on forever in our hearts A dream come true, a startling start... Continue Reading →

Dedication – 7

A.K.A. Ablaze from Embers When you least expect it, when you're not even actively looking, when you're absorbed in uncertainties, there comes a jolt in the form of a human to show you that not all is lost, especially your heart. I think of you now and then and it is not with an ache... Continue Reading →

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