What you do to me

When you're in love and have been for a very long time, you change a little bit. Everything seems secure, maybe not on the job front or at a global level, but emotionally. You're better off now than before because you get a sense of peace from knowing that you're loved and have someone to... Continue Reading →

My best

You bought a mask that was too small for you. And I kept it as mine.I wear your mother's earrings to work. They suit me very well. And I like your compliments.We have a whole morning ritual filled with affection. It makes me feel lucky to have you all for myself. You're delectable. We have... Continue Reading →

Caffeinated thoughts

In the vast expanse of my life You loved me for a moment Silently but swiftly passed time Flashbacks of us though, a slow torment You traced a finger over my vein Searching for my secrets Looking for the source of my hidden pains But you could never reach it In the end, what we... Continue Reading →

Forever, always and after

The first time I saw you Didn't know if you were true I saw you standing there Smiling away Never thought that you, my dear Was dying to stay In my heart Forever, always and after You came to sit beside me My darling fantasy Did you ever know that I loved you at first... Continue Reading →

We’ll meet soon

A pile of work stares at me at 12 am. I look around to find you, overworked and exhausted like me. Except you're not really there. You're on my phone. Still, it's nice to have some company in this silence when a new day begins. And I know we'll meet soon.It's unnaturally chilly this December.... Continue Reading →

Chance meetings

Chance meetings As I rummaged through the bookshelf in my parents' house to decide which book would be most suitable to take back home to read to my kid, I found a shiny object in the corner. It was a watch. A broken one. The one I had thrashed to the floor on purpose to... Continue Reading →

Memories of you and I

When I talk of old times and the things I miss I know that you are the one I miss the most We never once stopped to share a kiss But the past haunts me every time like a ghost You left without saying goodbye I acted like I never once cried When I think... Continue Reading →


Do you still think of my eyes as two solar systems? Or do they now resemble black holes with an all-consuming energy because you're no longer in love with me?Are those rabbits at your aunt's place still alive? I'm casually wondering because you said they were as cute as we were. If they knew of... Continue Reading →


You made me a bunch of things. Some I never wanted to be. And some I desperately needed. You made me a daring being when you made me fall in love with you. You made me kind when I made you an exception to all my rules. You made me empathise with the concept of... Continue Reading →


You still think of me as pretty, don't you? No matter how hard I tried to shatter that glass of a heart I wonder if you still claim your favorite color to be blue Though I remember how you loved all things black Is that why you were drawn to my heart in the start... Continue Reading →

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