The Ashley Continuum: Chapter 13

Chapter XIII I take fewer selfies, post lesser on social media, am forever offline on chats, disabled from read receipts that make me a culprit when I'm just not in the mood to interact or am plain busy, use my free talk time and SMS packs rarely and on certain days, talk to a total... Continue Reading →

The Ashley Continuum: Chapter 11

When I'm grumpy, just like any other normal human, the tiniest things can piss me off. For example, what's the deal with websites having a 'continue reading' button? I mean, if I really didn't want to read the whole article, I wouldn't have pressed on the link in the first place! Or better yet, just... Continue Reading →

The Ashley Continuum: Chapter 9

Will 2020 be the year of Ashley? Let's see... One of my old friends (this is different from the ex-friends category), once told me she hadn't seen me cry. And it made me wonder what sort of friend would want to see another's sadness (my choice of friends is obviously commendable). Actually what sort of... Continue Reading →

The Ashley Continuum: Chapter 8

Chapter VIII Being a feminist does not mean that I have to always be surrounded by girls and think of them as goddesses because as said in the show 'Thirteen reasons why', girls can be evil. Saying this might make me seem like a hypocrite but this is a fact that I'm stating from the... Continue Reading →

The Ashley Continuum: Chapter 6

Chapter VI I wonder if these Manic Pixie Dream-girls exist outside movies because I, for one, am a Crazy Nightmarish Witch and part whatever could result from a Scrooge-Grinch combination. There's a high probability that if I really like you, I will stay away from you from time to time. It's just that I hate... Continue Reading →

The Ashley Continuum: Chapter 4

Chapter IV Preoccupied by suicidal thoughts and murderous tendencies - when people ask me to describe who I am, this would be the most accurate definition of what I'm usually like. 'Who are you?' is a question that stumps us if we dare to go beyond the mere 'I'm *insert your name*' or 'I'm *insert... Continue Reading →

The Ashley Continuum: Chapter 3

Chapter III Cancer is one of the most dreaded words. We avoid saying it just because we are scared of inviting it into our daily lives. But there is another word we use so leniently which is equally dangerous and sadly, prevalent in most of our daily lives. Depression. I know it's not classified into... Continue Reading →

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