The Quill Dipped In: Cyan

I took those stupid online quizzes to figure it out. You know, those click-baits titled ‘Is he into you?’, I took them all! I lost three whole hours of my life, a big chunk of my internet pack and was caught up in absolutely unnecessary excitement – putting my poor heart through a lot of turmoil – upon seeing the results which I could have predicted anyway. Of course, you like me! I’m pretty awesome so, what’s not to like? But would it kill you to just say it to me straight up instead of playing me around like this? I’m exhausted waiting for that much-needed confession to surprise me and enthrall me at the same time. I’ve tried forcing it out of you so many times that I’ve lost count! And I’m not sure if you’re acting like you don’t realise my intention – there’s only one, how difficult is it to be acknowledged – or you’re just that oblivious to what’s happening around you. I blame it on your kind, you have way too much pride and like to show everyone that you’re available to be the ‘stud’ (which according to me is a word reserved only for my amazing diamond earrings) even when your heart tells you otherwise. Or I’m just imagining it all and you just think of me as a friend. Wait, I’m not that delusional!Your touch lingers on for too long – you make excuses to brush against me, you give me those romantic looks that have to be eradicated from all the cheesy movies I like to watch nowadays and you always try to prolong our conversations even when I’m trying to run away from you in order to clear my head.

I’m a smart, beautiful, independent woman and so there’s only one thing to do. I’m gonna say it aloud and you can do whatever you want with this knowledge. I like you. So, if you don’t like me back, it’s cool, I’ll talk to you tomorrow, you tease!


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