Electrified, nullified

Most of us are like this electrified chicken (that’s just my name for this special looking hen). Weird. Seeming out of place in an organized world. But hey, if it made its way into my phone out of all the living beings I encountered till date, this one sparks joy (in the words of Marie Kondo). Maybe uniqueness is what we should all aspire for.
I don’t remember what Discounted Cash Flow is but I know I read it in a big fat book. So many books in such a short time but not enough grey cells to store them. Should we really try to stop being turned into half human half robot cyborg beings with excellent vision and computing power? Utopia is what everyone always aims for, isn’t it? Atleast that is what I believe. But I wonder – do machine beings experience jealousy because one bot has a superior code or would the parameter to induce inadequacy be neatly aligned with semi-colons in the program?
I played charades with death on 10/10 when the street light next to my house decided to spark up in glory, multiple times. My best friend says I’m doomed, like in Final Destination. But I doubt if death is that merciful so as to arrive when we expect it to. No one welcomes death like an old friend, we’re not Harry Potter even if we wanted to be since we were eleven. Sometimes life is just ironical. And incoherent, impossible, funny and full of tiny agonies. Mostly, inconsequential and just lazy. Like a writer – when she’s powering through a colossal writer’s or traffic block.

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